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3 things to know about fruit

It's summer and we're salivating at the sight of the stalls in our markets, which are full of fruit, full of color and so varied! But do you know the best way to consume them to get the most out of their benefits? Follow the guide to fill up on tutti frutti energy!

Better to enjoy them outside of meals

And yes, we often choose the fruit option for dessert, however, it is not such a good idea. Indeed, associated with other foods, we lose the benefit of the rapid digestion of the fruit which brings energy:worse, digestion is even slowed down and disturbed. Hence these feelings of bloating and unpleasant heaviness. So, it is better to keep the fruit for a snack in the morning or in the afternoon. As for the idea of ​​eating a fruit later in the evening after dinner, be careful not to do it just before bedtime, because the sugar intake would interfere with a good sleep. Finally, if you are a fan of smoothies, consider replacing part of the milk with water, so that the mixture is more digestible.

Eating fruit in the morning is better

After a night of fasting, there's nothing like a piece of fruit to replenish your energy! Indeed, as they contain fructose, they give a boost, ideal to start the day. In the morning, they are more easily digested and the body assimilates them better to give us the maximum benefit from their nutrients. So for a fanfare restart in the morning, we jump on a fruit! Especially since with their vitamins and minerals, they provide a cocktail of benefits that accompanies us all day long. However, and to echo point 1, it is better not to mix fruit with breakfast. So either we make a meal only with fruit, or we wait half an hour after eating the fruit to have breakfast.

The fruits are sweet, is it serious?

We all know by heart the health injunction “Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day”. Only, we also know that fruits are sweet, and that sugar is not the panacea of ​​a balanced diet... So we would be tempted to think that they are actually false friends? Rest assured:certainly, 100 g of fruit contain 10 to 12 g of carbohydrates, twice as much as vegetables, but they are not the enemies of the scale, on the contrary. Because fruits are rich in fiber. These slow down the absorption of sugar in the body. It is therefore found in the blood less quickly and the liver has more time to metabolize it. Sugar is therefore better assimilated by the body, which prevents it from turning into unwanted fat.
But, as with everything, moderation is essential, and you must not fall into the opposite excess:eat 7 fruits a day thinking it will make up for the shunned portion of broccoli is not a very good idea. On the one hand, vegetables provide other nutrients essential to our health, and on the other hand, above a certain threshold, the carbohydrates in fruits could still turn against us. 3 fruits a day is a good average. However, for the most frugivorous, you can also opt for the less sweet fruits (melon, watermelon, red fruits or even apricot, kiwi or pomegranate) and eat 4 of them.

That's it, all we have to do is fill our baskets with seasonal fruit!