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5 self-massages that relieve quickly and well

Relaxing leg massage

It's good for... relieving sore legs, after a gym session for example. What do we do ? Sitting, feet flat, one hand on each leg, we make kneading movements from the ankle to the thigh. We insist on the top and the outside of the thighs. Then going up from the knee to the hip, press the thighs and release them. Gently massage the knees in small clockwise circles. Finally, tap the thighs with the flat of the hand.

Anti-headache eye massage

It’s good for… taking a break from working on screen. What do we do ? Sitting, elbows resting on the table, the palms of the hands are placed on the closed eyelids for a few seconds. With a thumb under each eyebrow on either side of the nose, apply light pressure moving from the inside to the outside of the face. Then, we smooth the eyebrow starting from its inner end to go to the temples.

Relaxing hand massage

It's good for...relaxing the hand stressed by the keyboard of the computer or by heavy loads. What do we do ? With the left thumb, we make small circles in the center of the right palm in a clockwise direction. Then, still with the left thumb, smooth the skin up from the center of the palm to the end of the right thumb. Then pinch the tip of the thumb between the left thumb and index finger. Same for the other fingers. Then reverse and massage the left hand with the right thumb…

Relaxing foot massage

It's good for... the arch of the foot, especially if you walked in high heels. What do we do ? With the thumb of the right hand, massage the arch of the left foot by making small circles in a clockwise direction. Then, we grab the left big toe to make it turn slightly on itself, from left to right and from right to left. Same for all the toes. We finish by tapping the whole foot with the palm of the hand. And we continue with the same self-massage for the right foot.

De-stressing head massage

It's good for... decompressing after stress or an exhausting day. What do we do ? We warm our hands by rubbing them together. With the pulp of the fingers, we perform the same movements as if we were shampooing for 1 minute. Then, we comb our hair using our fingers as a… comb. And we finish by tapping the entire skull with your fingertips to promote blood circulation.

Thanks to Carole Serrat sophrologist (