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Chinese massage and acupuncture points:the winning duo

What is Chinese massage?

Traditionally called Tui Na massage, Chinese massage has been exported all over the world for several years. Privileging the stimulation of the back, the feet and the stomach, the Chinese massage has a hundred techniques on the different parts of the body. Tui Na massage helps relieve back pain, minor ailments (colds, migraines), while stimulating blood circulation and the immune system. Widespread in Europe, Chinese massage is practiced by various institutes. That said, to avoid scams, make sure your masseur respects the code of ethics of the French Union of Professionals of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If Chinese massage is generally practiced in an institute or in specialized organizations, some gestures from these ancestral techniques can also be practiced at home. The principles of Chinese massage, achievable in self-massage, allow you to relax in the best conditions while treating the little ailments of everyday life.

Acupuncture, the keys to Chinese medicine

Among the flagship disciplines of Chinese medicine, acupuncture is based on the notion of Yin (negative energy) and Yang (positive energy) circulating in the body. Stimulating the posterior horn, where there are a multitude of nerve fibers transmitting pain to the brain, acupuncture can form points or block nerve flow to the brain. The "little needles", placed in very specific places on the body, therefore press on these nerve fibers to regulate pain, stress or certain addictions.

This practice, dating back several millennia, aims to ward off stress, reduce allergies, but also to fight against certain addictions, such as tobacco or alcohol. Acupuncture can also regulate weight and fight against insomnia. With regular sessions, acupuncture has often shown its effectiveness.

Combining Chinese massage and acupuncture

Both part of Chinese medicine, Chinese massage and acupuncture are a real winning duo for treating everyday ailments. Anti-stress weapons and lasting solutions for internal well-being, these two practices are as complementary as they are effective. If Chinese massage is often practiced to relax, accompanied by natural essential oils, acupuncture allows you to add a touch of alternative medicine to erase the little hassles that we may face. Requiring no medication, these two practices are often unanimous, even with parents for their children. Among the other practices of Chinese medicine, we can also find auriculotherapy, based on auricular reflexology, or Qi Gong, working on the harmony of body, breathing and mind.