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Beauty salon:how a Chinese massage takes place

What is Chinese massage?

Part of Chinese culture for millennia, Chinese massage, also called Tui Na massage, is one of the 5 branches of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) along with acupuncture, Chinese pharmacopoeia, Chinese dietetics and exercises. energy. Differentiating itself from Western massages by taking into account the energy concept through the harmonization of Qi, Chinese massage has quickly spread throughout the world. Indeed, many institutes offer this type of service, as well as training in Chinese massage have emerged in France.

How is the Chinese massage performed?

Chinese massage is one of the massages with the most varied techniques. With more than 300 different manipulations, a Chinese massage practiced in a beauty salon can therefore vary from that practiced in another organization. That said, there are still some essential basics, including winding, acupressure by stimulating acupuncture points, the Nei Gung method (energy exercises to revitalize the body), not to mention the manipulation of the musculoskeletal system to fight nerve pain. The Chinese massage practitioner will therefore use her fingers, wrists, palms or even her elbows and knees to stimulate the different parts of the body in order to promote the harmonization of Qi.

It should also be noted that in institutes, a Chinese massage lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the needs. The massage is often preceded by an interview of a few minutes, in order to identify the needs of the client while learning about his current state of health.

The benefits of Chinese massage

Chinese medicine has long proven its virtues. The same goes for Chinese massage. Indeed, among the main benefits, we find the resolution of muscle and joint problems, the fight against digestive, respiratory or reproductive disorders. Chinese massage aims to properly circulate the energies in the body, with the aim of evacuating stress and any negative energy. Stimulating the mind and the body, by rebalancing the Qi, the Tui Na massage therefore allows an energy harmonization while enjoying a moment of relaxation.

Chinese massage at my place

Often practiced by experts or in a beauty salon, Chinese massage can also be practiced at home. With the help of simple gestures achievable in self-massage, this beneficial practice for the body and the mind is accessible at any time. Called Do In, whose original term is Dao Yin, this self-massage technique can stimulate the stomach, arms or even legs.