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How does a parachute jump take place?

How to choose your parachute jump? Skydiving is a discipline very popular with extreme aerial sports enthusiasts. Increasingly popular, it also appeals to beginners who are still hesitant! Parachute baptism is a very popular activity for its incredible sensations . Several thousand meters above the ground, you jump from an airplane for a free fall, followed by a descent under canopy.

This activity immerses you in the laws of weightlessness, for an unprecedented feeling, both in terms of the dose of adrenaline , than the panoramic view observed in the air . This highly supervised discipline is practiced today everywhere in France , so ready to take the plunge? We give you all the tracks to jump where you want!

The selection criteria for skydiving

Depending on your skydiving level

If you are a beginner , you will do a tandem jump with a professional . The advantage:it's a very supervised first flight where you just have to drop in and enjoy! The instructor with you takes care of everything, until the landing, a great comfort for the " jumpers » beginners! The advantage of parachuting:teenagers can also jump, if they meet certain age and health conditions (usually from 15 years old).

For the most seasoned , the automatic opening parachute, or simply classic, is possible. This implies an already advanced skill level. Before getting there, we are talking about initiation, not baptism. Always in tandem with a professional, you go further to learn this discipline with an initiation .

The goal: jump alone one day. But before all that, we invite you to test the tandem !

Where to jump?

Many places exist across France to parachute. You can stay in your area, or treat yourself to a getaway elsewhere. Among the grandiose places, we offer you:

  • The Mont Saint-Michel , this majestic UNESCO-listed rock
  • The very chic Gulf of Saint-Tropez on the French Riviera
  • The mountain:Courchevel or the Jura
  • Lille , and its exceptional architecture
  • The Landes on the Atlantic coast
  • Beaune , in Burgundy
  • The Alpes-Maritimes and the city of Nice
  • Marseille , and its famous creeks

The list is long and very personal , so do not hesitate to search for a spot that interests you!

The “we want more” trick :if you want to jump from even higher than the classic 4000 meters, try the 6000 meters from Mâcon, the fall is even more beautiful!

Where to book your parachute baptism?

On the Internet, a wide choice of parachute freefall

At Sport Discovery , you have a wide choice of destinations throughout France! For an initiation, a tandem baptism, or even an activity weekend , you can click with your eyes closed (or almost!). The activity is detailed, as well as the conditions for practicing parachute jumping. The slightest doubt? You can contact customer service to answer your questions.

Once the reservation is made, you offer (or you offer yourself!) a sensational discovery activity . In two steps, three movements, your appointment is made to enjoy your jump, head in the clouds.

Jump at all costs

Prices vary according to regions, drop locations and height which you jump to. 199 € for a jump near Turin in Italy, and up to 450 € for a supervised baptism at 6000 meters, you have something to satisfy all budgets!

For a more advanced initiation, count around €490 . This activity is more advanced in learning and requires more technique, hence the price difference between these parachute jumps.

The course of a skydiving day

For a day of baptism or initiation in parachute, you start the activity on the ground, in an airport or an aerodrome for example. Before taking off, you must understand how a parachute jump works, and how to behave once in the clouds.

You therefore participate in an explanatory briefing to review safety, equipment and flow of the jump. The big moment has arrived ! It's time to take off for the sky:you get on the plane to jump.

Once the correct altitude has been reached (between 3,000 and 4,000 meters), you are ready to drop . This is the crucial step where adrenaline quickly takes over! Launched into the void, the free fall has started . This is followed by the descent under canopy, when the parachute is deployed.

As the ground approaches, you head towards the drop zone, to land quietly . With your feet on solid ground, it's time to come to your senses and achieve your feat.

Beginner or passionate about parachuting, this discipline now welcomes all levels, and almost all ages! Depending on your budget and your desires, you can find jumps all over France. Just keep in mind a few conditions for jumping, namely a minimum age, and a large dose of enthusiasm for the big day. Convinced? It's time to take the leap!