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Chinese massage:discover the main benefits of Tui Na

The principles of Chinese massage

Practiced for millennia, Chinese massage, or Tui Na massage, is one of the five branches of Chinese medicine. During this massage, the practitioner harmonizes the Qi, or “vital energy”, for good circulation throughout the body. There are more than 300 manipulations, including about thirty among the fundamental gestures. After a preliminary interview, the practitioner will therefore harmonize the energy circulating in the body, in order to stimulate pleasant relaxation, but also many benefits.

Among the main techniques of Chinese massage, we find the Gunfa or "roller", allowing a massage in rotation in order to stimulate the soft tissues and treat muscle lesions, the Zhenfa, a vibratory technique, as well as acupressure, stimulating the points acupuncture with finger or elbow pressure.

Often performed in a salon, Chinese massage, which lasts between 30 and 90 minutes depending on the client's needs, also inspires self-massage practices to be done at home, for well-being breaks.

What are the benefits of Chinese massage?

Relaxation is certainly one of the notable benefits of Chinese massage, but the practice Tui Na has also long proven its therapeutic virtues. Indeed, the Chinese massage revitalizes the whole body thanks to the harmonization of the Qi, while stimulating the immune defenses. The Tui Na massage also helps relieve minor everyday ailments, such as colds, migraines or constipation. While relieving joint pain and muscle damage, Chinese massage helps to fight against stress and anxiety, not to mention the great recommendation of pediatricians for a practice on children, the Tui Na massage being considered less unpleasant than the acupuncture for young people.

Contraindications of Chinese massage

If the Chinese massage is very good to evacuate the stress and to harmonize the Qi, it is necessary all the same to take into account the contraindications for this type of massage. Indeed, like any practice of massage therapy, Chinese massage is contraindicated in the event of diseases relating to the bones and the skeleton, in the case of skin problems, fever, recent wounds, infection, or even an acute inflammation or even a bruise. In case of respiratory or cardiac disorders, Chinese massage should be performed with caution. Finally, the Chinese massage practitioner will avoid stimulating the San Yin Jiao point, which is the toning point of the kidneys and spleen, to pregnant women.