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Sperm and egg donation:a new campaign is launched

Today, nearly 3,000 couples are affected by medical infertility, and are waiting for sperm or egg donation.

Through this campaign, the Biomedicine Agency wishes to recall the methods for making this donation, especially since, since the beginning of the year, a new category of the population can become "giver of happiness":people who have not procreated.

Thus, for 2 weeks, a national communication campaign, focused on the intimate will be declined in particular thanks to 4 advertising spots on the radio, and on the internet with 2 animated films.

In France, sperm and oocyte donations benefit couples made up of a man and a woman of childbearing age, whose infertility has been medically confirmed, or who are at risk of transmitting a serious illness. And for those interested who have some reservations about embarking on the adventure, all the information can be found on the site