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Everything you need to know about platelet donation and plasma donation

Donation of platelets and plasma:what is it for?

Platelets are small cells produced by the bone marrow and which have an essential role in blood coagulation:they allow in particular to prevent and stop bleeding. In some sick people (leukemia, hematological disease, etc.) or who are undergoing heavy chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment (in the case of cancer), the bone marrow no longer produces them. They therefore urgently need a donation of platelets to avoid bleeding which could be fatal. Plasma is the liquid part of blood. Some people need external donations, in particular people suffering from serious immune disorders, people who have suffered serious accidents...

Platelet donation:who can be a donor?

Any adult, between the ages of 18 and 65 (70 for a classic blood donation), and in good health, can donate platelets or plasma. It is possible for a donor to donate his platelets up to 12 times a year (with a minimum interval of 4 weeks between two donations), and to donate his plasma up to 24 times a year (with a minimum interval of 2 weeks ).

Platelet donation:how does it work?

Platelet and plasma donations only take place by appointment in a specialized centre. One or two needles are used to draw blood. This is then separated into two:on one side the platelets or plasma, on the other the rest of the blood which is again transfused to the donor. A platelet donation takes about 1.5 hours (compared to 10 minutes for a blood donation) and a plasma donation 45 minutes. After the donation, the donor can rest as long as necessary. He also receives a snack. Note:You do not have to be fasting to donate your platelets. On the contrary, a light meal and good hydration help to avoid diseases during the blood test.