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4 effective tips to protect yourself from winter diseases

When the outside temperatures drop, it is not uncommon for us to fall ill! Why ? Lack of sleep, poorly adapted diet, flaws in our immune system… All this explains why our body, already weakened by the cold, can no longer fight against viruses. Fortunately, there are prevention techniques that prepare our bodies before winter arrives. No more end-of-year celebrations under the duvet and visits to the doctor, this year we are ready to resist! Here are our 4 health tips.

1/ Using the power of plants

To prepare your body before the onset of cold weather, you can use certain plants in their raw form or in essential oil. Thus, ginger (in infusion), known for its energizing effect, strengthens the body. Thyme (in infusion) and eucalyptus (in inhalation) protect the body because they are particularly effective against respiratory tract infections. Finally, we add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract to our glass of water. Rich in vitamin C, it is also a good natural antibiotic and it strengthens our immune system. Effective and natural prevention methods, we love it!

2/ Maintaining your sleep cycle

In winter, the body needs to be in good shape to fight against illness and the cold. A good night's rest is the key to a resilient body. To counter sleep-related problems, it is important to respect your rhythm and go to bed at regular times. You can (here too) use plants to relax:taking a verbena or linden herbal tea makes it easier to fall asleep and warms the body (a steaming cup and pilou-pilou pajamas, the dream!).

3/ Have a good diet

When the temperatures drop, you have to stimulate your immune defenses and the definition of a good diet must be slightly adapted. We therefore favor foods rich in vitamin A (such as calf's liver or carrot juice), vitamin C and also iron (red meat, lentils, etc.). Regarding the kitchen, avoid raw vegetables or other cold foods that slow down digestion, but also dishes that are too fatty because they require more energy from the body to assimilate them.

4/ Playing sports

Here it is again! Sport stimulates our immune system, so the onset of cold weather is the perfect opportunity to resume regular physical activity. It should not be abused either, because excessive sport tires our body (=it is therefore counterproductive!). And if we prefer to be outside, we don't forget to be well equipped and to bring a warm sweatshirt so as not to catch a cold at the end of our session...

Cold, this year you won't get us!