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Speaking out loud would be the best memorization technique

Our memory is a complex network comprising several areas such as perceptual memory (images, sounds, etc.), working memory or even semantic memory (knowledge), which are constantly called upon during the day. If there are certain techniques to maintain it such as practicing a regular sports activity, pampering your sleep or even doing memory exercises, some still have trouble remembering everything. Fortunately, scientists have discovered a method that would be more effective than the others... It will be (very) useful to us!

Say to remember

When we are at the office, discussing with Bibi or in a lecture, it is hard to imagine repeating aloud all the important information that we hear to remember them. And yet, according to a study by researchers at the University of Waterloo and published in the journal Memory , speaking a text (rather than reading it in your head) helps to remember what you learn, and that, in the long term. To achieve this result, 95 volunteers tested 4 exercises:the first was to read a page silently, the second to listen to a person read it, the third to listen to a recording of their own voice reading the text and finally, to read it. aloud. According to scientists, it is the latter that would be the most effective, since the double action of speaking and hearing oneself speak would have a beneficial impact on our brain, as explained by the Huffington Post UK

We now know what to do to memorize the important things!