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Motivation tips to keep exercising in the winter

Are we the only ones with motivation problems when it's cold outside? With these tips we give our motivation a boost.

1. Make a plan
Before the summer, you may have had a clear goal:you wanted to feel fit in your bikini. Set yourself a new goal now:train with heavier weights, become more flexible or run longer.

2. Schedule sports
What training do you need to achieve your goal? Make a plan and plan the exercise as concretely as possible. If you have to register for the training sessions, that's perfect:feel free to commit yourself to increase the pressure a bit.

3. Think of the feeling afterwards
Give yourself a kick in the ass. Once you're working out, it's nice. Keep thinking about the feeling afterwards.

4. Find something closer to home
If the biggest problem is that you don't feel like braving the cold, see if there's a sport you can do closer to home. Is there a gym closer? Or maybe you can start running after all:a round from front door to front door.

5. Sports at home Bad weather, no point, the gym is celebrating Christmas holidays. There are no excuses:turn on a workout video and get started at home.

Do you find it difficult to exercise when it's cold?

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> Pick up sports again
> 5 tips to get a feel for sports
> 5 tips to motivate yourself