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5 tips for a successful day after a bad night

You put all the good will in the world (or not) into it, but nothing to do:last night you saw the hands of the clock go by. Slowly. Such a torture. And this morning, you're flat, like an old bellows. Ok, we'll get there! And to have a good day despite everything, we have 5 tips:

1/ I accept being tired. Unfortunately, no magic potion:today, it's a fact, we're going to be in trouble. So rather than complaining, blaming ourselves, we say to ourselves "ok, today I'm lame, tomorrow it will be better" and if necessary, we warn our colleagues and loved ones of our condition. Everyone goes through it, it's human. And those who don't understand, we bite them (yes, we're still on edge).

2/ I lower my speeds. Yes, when you are flat, you have less energy. And when you have less energy, it's like with gasoline:you have to save money! First step:we put ourselves on automatic pilot, we let ourselves be carried away a little while continuing our day, and we only put on big boosts when it is absolutely necessary. And then we agree to procrastinate. Today we have the right. No!

3/ I count my breaths. When things are not going well, we close our eyes, we inhale while counting fairly quickly from 1 to 5, then we exhale on the same tempo and we start again like this for 3 minutes. That way, our heart rate picks up a bit and we're back on the attack (well, almost).

4/ I try to capture the light. Inside, as outside, we make our lizard, we turn on all the lights to keep ourselves awake. Because if it's too dark, our brain will think it's nighttime and that's the end of the green beans.

5/ I am getting ready to sleep well. Already, on the way back home, we are careful because the brain is less attentive. Then, when we get home, we RE-LA-XE! If you have children, you delegate to your partner (or on TV…) the evening activities. We take a bath, we eat light (to sleep more easily) and we go to bed at chicken time. Cotcot, tomorrow will be a better day!