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Phytotherapy:3 easy recipes for everyday sores

Phytotherapy:recipes against headaches

More and more of us are suffering from headaches. The visual and noise pollution of our cities has such a tendency to hit us on the system. Add to that the stress and anxieties, and you have a good migraine at the end of the day! But do not panic:there are many plants capable of fighting against headaches! To prepare a simple and effective recipe, herbal medicine recommends turning to feverfew. This plant has been used for centuries to prevent migraines. In recent years, the WHO has even highlighted its effectiveness. What caused this little miracle? An active agent called parthenolide, which would reduce the intensity of seizures. You can find chamomile in capsule form. But it is also possible to chew 200 mg of dried leaves per day. Another headache trick:mix 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with almond carrier oil. Apply the mixture to your forehead and temple, massaging well.

Phytotherapy:recipes for the common cold

It's not easy to go through the winter without having a little cold. Fatigue, loss of diet, morale in the socks… Also, here are some products to consume to prevent flu and regain strength. In herbal medicine, black elderberry (a berry that is easily found in the countryside) is known to prevent colds. If you don't plan to go for a walk in the forest, you can easily find them commercially in the form of flowers or berries. All you have to do is infuse 5 grams of dried flowers in boiling water. You can drink three cups (one in the morning, noon and evening) to regain strength! If you have a sore throat, honey is also great for soothing your cough. Antimicrobial, it is also effective in strengthening the immune system. Here is an easy recipe:heat 150 grams of water with a squeezed lemon. Remove the boiling water and add two spoonfuls of honey. Enjoy this preparation once or twice a day.

Phytotherapy:healing recipes

Faced with everyday ailments, no need to turn to chemicals, because some plants are particularly effective! In herbal medicine, each plant can be beneficial to the body. And some even reveal extraordinary powers! Take aloe vera for example. Native to desert countries, this plant is particularly moisturizing for the epidermis. If you have burns from a sunburn, simply apply aloe vera gel to the skin. This will activate tissue reconstruction. Thus, the healing process will be accelerated. And if you have just burned yourself, apply 2 drops of spike lavender essential oil after passing your wound under water at 15°C.