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RespiRelax:the smartphone application that helps manage stress

“Metro, work, sleep”

This creed summarizes for the majority of people their daily life. A habit that can lead to overwork and set aside peace of mind. So when well-being is no longer at its peak, all means are possible to clear your head, such as yoga, music or simply a good TV evening.

Only, despite the iron will to want to take time for yourself, it is very often the lack of time that triumphs and prevents these moments of relaxation. For those whose time is precious and filled with pending errands and a last minute email to write, here is a little help that could prove useful.

The RespiRelax application (free) offers a small exercise to be repeated several times a day and which only requires a few minutes of your time. The principle ? Using a gauge that you adjust according to your needs, the goal is to inhale and exhale slowly. Depending on the time and the number of breaths you take per minute, the body relaxes and a vacuum is created around it.

It may not be the miracle solution to your mood swings and cracking nerves, but it's still a good start to winding down between meetings.