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Going to the gym for the first time

Intimidating fitness machines, stepping into a group class alone. Going to the gym for the first time can be quite exciting. In reality, it's really okay. After reading these tips, you dare to take the next step.

The gym is for everyone

Most gyms undoubtedly have a number of muscles, but in general a wide audience comes to the gym, everyone is welcome.

Take a trial lesson

The atmosphere can vary quite a bit per gym. In addition, there are now numerous budget gyms. It is a good idea to take a trial lesson at different schools. This way you can discover what suits you and in which gym you find the atmosphere most pleasant.

What am I wearing?

Don't immediately buy the most expensive sportswear and shoes. Start exercising first. If you still like it after a few weeks, you can always buy new sportswear.

What should I bring?

Drinking enough is important, bring a bottle of water with you. A towel also belongs in your sports bag, in some gyms it is even mandatory. Optionally, you can bring music and things to shower afterwards.

Bring someone with you

To reduce the step to exercise, you can go with a friend. If you don't like it, at least you can laugh about it together. You probably have a friend who has been working out for a while, who wants to take you to the gym for an evening.

Indicate you are new

Whether you are going to the gym or taking a group class, indicate that you are new. This way the instructor can show you the equipment and possibly put together a training plan for you. With a group lesson, the instructor can take into account that you are new.

Don't forget the warm-up and cool-down

To prevent muscle soreness as much as possible, it is important a warm-up and cooling-down to do. This is already done during the lessons, but when you are quite fit, you have to think about it yourself.

What else can you think about when you go to the gym for the first time?

> Do you need a sports bra?
> Are the gyms near you pricey? This way you save on the gym.
> Tips for treadmill beginners.
> The first spinning class.