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Tips for the first class of bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is done in a studio that is heated to 40 degrees. And yes, that is warm, especially if you are not used to it yet. We have 5 tips for the first lesson.

Do not wear clothes that are too warm
A pair of shorts with a top or sports bra is sufficient.

Drink enough
Make sure you drink enough the day you do bikram yoga. Drink at least 2 liters and also bring a bottle of water to class.

Don't eat a large meal just before class
Bikram yoga is best practiced when your stomach is not too full. Eat a light meal about two hours before class.

Bring a good yoga mat and/or towel with you
Sweating can make your mat slippery. A yoga mat with sufficient grip or a yoga towel is recommended.

Don't drop out after one lesson Your body needs to get used to the heat. You will experience a second or third lesson very differently from the first lesson. Many bikram yoga studios therefore offer a number of free or extra affordable classes after the first lesson.