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Tips for safe entry into the sea

Great to take a dip in the sea in this weather, but don't underestimate the danger of strong currents. Every year too many people drown in the sea. With these tips you can safely enter the sea.

  1. Go to a supervised beach
    Go to a beach where Coast Guard is present. Is there a red flag? Then don't go into the sea. View all flags and their meaning here.
  2. Be careful with air mattresses and inflatable figures
    Especially when the wind blows from the beach towards the sea (land wind) you can easily drift off the coast. Floating in the sea with an air mattress is certainly very dangerous.
  3. Don't go too deep into the sea
    Even when there is little wind, currents can develop at the bottom of the sea. That current can carry you away. Can't swim? Then go into the sea up to your knees.
  4. Don't swim alone
    Even the best swimmer can get into trouble, for example from cramping.
  5. Do not drink alcohol
    Alcohol and swimming are not a good combination.
  6. Keep an eye on your kids
    A current at the bottom is extra dangerous for children. They can easily be knocked over by a wave and swept away. Also make sure that you designate a landmark near the towels, so that your child(ren) can easily find the towel. Getting lost on the beach is easy.

What should you do if you find yourself in a current?
One of the most dangerous currents is a rip current, a current between two sandbanks. The current pulls you into the sea. First try to swim diagonally away from the current and only then swim to the beach.

What if you were blown away from the coast with your air mattress?
Try to look for a sandbank, you can sometimes recognize it because waves break on it. You can rest on a sandbank. By waving you can attract the attention of the Coast Guard.

General tips for when you get into trouble

  • Keep calm! By swimming calmly, you save strength and last longer.
  • Wave to get the attention of the Coast Guard and shout for help.
  • Don't resist the current, let yourself be carried away.
  • Swim left or right diagonally out of the current and as soon as the current decreases, only swim towards the beach.

Do you know what it looks like when someone drowns?
We can already tell you:it's not like on television. If you see someone in trouble, immediately call in someone from the rescue team.