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Low energy, but exercise

Sometimes you really can't bring yourself to exercise. Your day has sucked up all your energy. Yet in such a case it is good to clear your head by moving a little. Choose one of these low-threshold options.

1. Take a short walk
This way you are in the open air and on the move. Maybe after a while you still feel like jogging.

2. Go for a swim
Swimming is very good for your body, but it can also be very relaxing. Don't set yourself a strict goal, but enjoy the water.

3. Do yoga
A lying workout sounds more appealing when you're low on energy. Roll out your mat, add YouTube video. During the exercises you can always decide to go for heavier exercises.

4. Start slow
Do not immediately set the devices to their fastest or heaviest. Keep to your own pace, although on a day like today that is far from what you normally aim for.

5. By bike
Would you rather let off steam by talking to a friend than by exercising? Go there by bike.