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Low energy:15 energy and anti-fatigue foods, ideal for getting back in shape!

During the year, after the end of year celebrations, at the start of the school year or at the change of season, we all experience little slacks . Without really knowing why, we feel tired, we lack energy, our morale is at half mast and we become almost even irritable. To face these bad times, which can affect everyone, nothing beats a good diet because we can never repeat it enough, health is on the plate . Some natural foods are recognized for their energetic virtues . Thanks to them you will be able to recharge your batteries in no time. No more fatigue !

Which fruits and vegetables give the most energy?

No need to look far or spend a fortune, some fruits and vegetables are endowed with good active ingredients and good vitamins to fill up on energy. Among them, citrus fruits , dried fruits , spinach , the sweet potato or the lawyer are highly recommended. Mostly rich in Vitamin C , magnesium , iron or zinc they will allow you to boost your body as soon as you feel a drop in form.

Discover in our slideshow all the energy foods to adopt without your diet.

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