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Unusual:this site calculates the ideal quantities of cheese and charcuterie for your raclette!

The raclette period is largely underway. And even after having organized three raclettes , you still haven't learned the lesson:your fear of missing out encourages you to overbuy quantities . Results ? Your fridge houses plates filled with raclette cheese and the smell which goes with it but also potatoes. And you see yourself having to throw away the charcuterie which does not keep. Unless you like getting food poisoning . In short, the raclette, you never know how to dose it. So you find yourself having to eat a raclette two days in a row . And that's a bit much.

Raclette.World or the site that is revolutionizing raclette

We don't understand why no one had thought of this before. Raclette.World is a site calculator amount of ingredients" for a successful raclette. The founders of the site pride themselves with humor for developing a "post-quantum artificial intelligence" which allows you to provide details precise to how you want to consume your raclette. The number of people, what you want to eat and if you are very hungry or not. And there's even a vegetarian option. . After filling in all the information, your shopping list is made and you just have to go to your supermarket to buy everything. We can't wait to take the test!