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5 Quick Tips for More Energy

We have been through something in the past year and many people have low energy levels. These five quick tips will ensure more energy tomorrow.

Tip 1 :Quickly throw the "superhero syndrome" overboard. You are not incompetent if you do not do everything yourself or if you are not ready for someone else. Ask for help yourself.

Tip 2: It sounds contradictory, but physical exertion provides more energy and better sleep. So go for a nice workout or walk.

Tip 3: Take a closer look at friendships - maybe stop dating that friend who only talks about herself and always complains.

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Tip 4: In the evening, make a to-do list for the next day. There is a good chance that you will sleep better and wake up more rested.

Tip 5: Drink plenty of water. Your body goes into a saving mode when there is a lack of fluids, and that makes you tired.

You can read more about regaining your energy in the May issue of Santé, which will be in stores until June 15th.