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3 tips for super fast results

Suppose your motivation rises to great heights. You are unstoppable and you want more. What can you do for super fast results?

Tip 1. Train more often!
Exercising more than twice a week is a good idea. You can use cardio training every day. Doing strength training every day is not recommended, because your muscles need at least one day of recovery.

Use the following checklist to see if your extra training sessions are useful:
• You have no muscle pain. Everything is possible and allowed, go for it!
• You have muscle pain. Follow a gentle cardio workout, for example cycling, swimming or the cross trainer. This helps you to get rid of the muscle pain faster.
• You have a tired body (for example when you go up the stairs). It is better not to exercise, because your sports experience is a lot less pleasant and your muscles are not able to achieve results.
• You have exercised for three consecutive days. Time for a rest day!
• You have followed the same training more than three times in one week. Opt for a different type of workout. More variation=faster results.

Tip 2. Do not eat less but other carbohydrates
Many people skip carbohydrates to lose weight quickly. That is not smart. It makes you grumpy. Carbohydrates are necessary for the functioning of the brain and they dampen stress. It is better to:
• Alternate rice, pasta, couscous or potato with quinoa, rice cakes or legumes.
• Do not eat 'heavy' carbohydrates in the evening after exercise, but vegetables, soup, salads or (cottage cheese/soy) with fruit.

Tip 3. Skip butter, cheese and… nuts
Do not use butter and (peanut) cheese and be careful with nuts. They are great products, but they are also very greasy and can slow down your weight loss process. By omitting butter, nuts and cheese (for a while) you will achieve results faster.

3 tips for super fast results Marije de Vries (1981) runs a business and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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