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Back to school 2021:How to stay zen and keep time for yourself

The start of the school year often marks the beginning of new projects, new missions. To this must be added the return to a more intense pace of work, which requires more energy, more attention and investment. One can easily forget one's limits and lose one's self. That's why we give you some tips to stay the course!

Stay in tune with your body

No need to deprive yourself or go on healthy diets to feel good about yourself! The most important thing is how you look at your body and how you feel. Are we cold? Are we tired? Why is the heart beating fast at this time?

You can allow yourself a session of about ten minutes of meditation a day or simply question yourself after a professional task or after a meeting.

After work, give yourself some time for yourself and your body with physical activity and sport. You can still have a few intimate moments with a vibrator.

Stay in tune with your desires

Back to school often involves a boost of energy where we observe the world with fresh eyes and a light spirit. At the sight of new initiatives, one can commit quickly without realizing that one does not really have the time or that the project does not correspond exactly to the values ​​one possesses.

This is why it is advisable to think at least 48 hours before making a decision. During this time, you can make a list of pros and cons and imagine the modifications to be made to your agenda. We can also create a small diagram with two overlapping circles to see the commonalities between the new project and what we want to experience.

Finally, many psychologists explain that writing a few lines in a diary in the morning helps to orient the mood of your day and to keep in mind what you want for yourself and what you want to bring to the world. .

The past few months have proven the importance of setting strict boundaries for your health and that of others. Thus, we do not hesitate to set our schedule with an hour just for ourselves every day, non-negotiable! We dare to say no to everything that does not suit us to better say yes to our desires and ambitions.