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More energy in 5 steps

There are days when you wish you had more energy. Without having to snooze forever, get out of bed after lunch full of energy and that an apple at 4 p.m. takes away the necessary tasty appetite. How do you achieve this and is that possible? Yes, of course! Follow these five steps for more energy.

Step 1:Avoid sugar
Well, there it is again. Really... sugar makes you tired. Almost immediately! Read my blog from last week on how to read labels and avoid sugar.

Step 2:Be moderate with carbohydrates
Caution; this is different from low carbohydrate food. You need carbohydrates, your brain functions on it and it dampens stress. Be moderate, because carbohydrates are also sugars. Therefore combine your sandwich with raw vegetables, rice with vegetables.

TIP! Try measuring how you feel after a meal this week. Does it give you energy or make you tired? In the latter case, it is wise to fill a maximum of ¼ of your meal with carbohydrates, the rest with vegetables.

Step 3:Sleep Sleeping well prevents a lot of problems. Less energy =more appetite for sweet and savory. Moe also makes you less resilient in making healthy choices.

Step 4:Exercise
Being in good shape does not only mean that you can run or cycle with ease, it is also your energy arrow and mental fitness. Work on your condition at least twice a week for IMMEDIATE more energy!

Step 5:Rest, cleanliness and regularity
Boring… but the only way to quickly gain more energy and feel good. Also try to keep track of when you are most productive for a week. If possible, adjust your life accordingly. Exercise in the morning if you are a morning person, and go to the computer in the afternoon if you notice that you are sharp (again) after lunch.



More energy in 5 steps Marije de Vries (1981) runs a business and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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