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Get more out of your activity tracker

Don't just look at how long you've slept and the number of steps you've taken, but look for patterns.

It is quite difficult to interpret the information from your activity tracker and use it to improve your habits. By looking for patterns, you gain more insight into your lifestyle.

1. Don't focus on details Fitness trackers are accurate, but the pedometer can sometimes be a few steps off. So don't focus too much on small details.

2. Just look at the big picture
Compare your most recent stats with the first month you wore your fitness tracker and with last month. Do you see improvement?

3. Improve yourself
10,000 steps is a nice goal, but if you never achieve it in practice, it is better to set yourself a new goal:for example, try to take more steps this month than last month.

4. What else stands out?
Do you sleep better or worse after you exercise? Do you take more or fewer steps during the week than at the weekend? With this information you can adjust your goals and work on improvement.