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6 ways to get more out of your group class

A personal trainer is not for everyone. Fortunately, you can also make the most of a group lesson with these tips.

1. Do not automatically pick up the lightest weights

Fine to start with the lightest weights if you are not used to anything, but challenge yourself after a while with heavier weights. You can use different weights for different exercises.

2. Work on your technique

Speed ​​isn't always better. Making fewer repetitions with a better technique can make the exercise more effective and it reduces the risk of injury.

Read also: ‘10 things everyone who does group lessons recognizes‘

3. Ask for advice

During a group lesson you do not always get the same amount of personal attention. If you're not sure if you're doing an exercise right, ask for advice. Sometimes the trainer has time off before or after class, so you may be able to ask for more extensive advice.

4. Perform all reps

Do you give up when the instructor starts counting down the last squats? Do not. Force yourself to do the last reps, the hardest reps are the ones that will change your body. Go for it!

5. Take another lesson for once

It is good to change your training program regularly. In group classes, your instructor will take care of that to a certain extent, but by taking a different class every now and then, you surprise your body even more and target other muscle groups.

6. Opt for smaller-scale sports initiatives

You can also take group lessons at smaller sports initiatives, where there is room for up to 8 people, for example. Or visit a group lesson at a less popular time. If fewer people are present, more attention will be paid to you.