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3 tips to get through the summer fit and full of energy

It's summer! We prefer to be fit and a bit tighter. However, we often take actions that cause the opposite. How do you make sure you do things differently this summer? We have 3 tips for you.

Last week with the heat, that bikini really had to come out again. Did you have trouble with that? Do you wish you were a little (corona) kilos lighter? Or that you would be a little tighter? Fit, tighter and full of energy through the summer. In the more than 20 years that I have been providing training, all women want this. But what do I see? My sports lessons are often less full during this period. Not because everyone is already on vacation. And not this year at all.

Read also: 'Why it is sometimes better not to train intensively'

Holiday mode

Many are already getting into vacation mode. The weather is often nice. The evenings are long. And so you can enjoy cozy BBQ parties, drinks and regularly eating an ice cream with the children at the ice cream parlor. Now that it's all possible and allowed again, all this is even more attractive. So you want to be toned and fit, but you're doing the opposite. Recognizable?

What if you do it differently this summer? You feel radiant in your summer dress. You have mountains of energy to get the most out of the long days. You feel better in your bikini or bathing suit. And you don't have to work so hard in September to lose the summer kilos (and now also the corona kilos).

How will you stay fit that summer?

1. Keep training or just start with it

“It's almost summer vacation now, I'll start again in September...” We often hear this. Immediately put this comment out of your mind. There is always a reason not to train. Will it make you feel better? Does that ice cream taste better? No, not at all! You also feel tired and lifeless. Exercise is essential to feel good. Exercising gives you energy so that you can enjoy the long summer days to the fullest. Exercising stimulates your fat burning and tones your muscles, making you feel more confident. So plan precisely those (online) training courses. If you do this in the morning, there is a good chance that you will also make healthier food choices for the rest of the day. So win-win. And are you not training yet? Then the summer holidays are a good time to start. You have more time, you feel more relaxed, which gives you more space to plan that training.

2. Use the 80/20 rule

Make sure you eat 80 percent healthy and consciously. For example, go 100 percent healthy for five days and let the reins loosen up a bit on the weekend. So don't let yourself go completely. Or choose to have an unhealthy moment every day:either that ice cream, or that fries, or that glass of wine in the evening. Enjoy it very consciously and don't feel guilty. Try to limit your eating moments to a maximum of four a day. In addition, make sure that half of your plate consists of vegetables at lunch and dinner. In this way you get enough nutrients more easily and you immediately limit your calorie intake.

3. Think about your deepest motive for being fit and healthy

If you are only concerned with how you look, with wanting to lose weight in a short time, you will not last. Focus much more on what it feels like to exercise and eat healthy. Think about why you want that. Why do you want to be fit and healthy? Often there is more to it than just wanting to fit tighter in your bikini.

  • For example, you want to have more energy to easily do some household tasks in the evening after work, so that you are not always behind the times and you are a more relaxed woman.
  • You want to be fit so you can play tag in the garden with your kids without your tongue hanging out on your toes.
  • Or you want to be more productive, so that you perform better at work or achieve your business goals more easily.

What is your reason? Write this down for yourself. Hang it on your bathroom mirror, on your toilet, on your fridge. That way you enjoy making different choices. And will you be fit, radiant and full of energy through the summer.

50% discount for Santé readers at Studio Fit!

Do you just want to go for it in the month of July? Do you want to train and watch your diet? Then join Studio Fit. A four-week training program including the ebook Nutrition:what and why? And feeding schedules. You have the option of doing four training sessions (of max. 30 minutes) per week. From HIIT to Barre to Strength to Sculpt (easy dance choreography). So a lot of variation. In addition, we are the stick behind the door for you. Specially for Santé readers 50% discount with the discount code STAY FIT50 † Are you in?

Who is behind Studio C Online?

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.

Their studio stands for variation, variety and originality. Not a workout is the same. For example, you can choose from Studio HIIT, Studio Strength and Studio Fire. These are tough workouts, and it's better not to do them every day. In addition, you can choose from Studio Barre, Studio Sculpt (dance and aerobics in combination with arm/buttocks/core), Studio Power Pilates and Studio Stretch &Relax. These are training sessions of a lower intensity that can be nicely alternated with the heavy training sessions.
And if you are a beginner, you can start very nicely with the lighter workouts and slowly build up to the heavy workouts.

Want to try a variation of HIIT and Barre? Just in your house or garden, when it suits you? Join the Free Workout Challenge. 5 workouts in 2 weeks. You will also receive a motivational email.