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Mindful running:how do you do it?

While running, do you also think about your day or even your life:the groceries, your to do list, the difficult conversation you still have to have. Are you unable to think of anything? Mindful running helps you to concentrate, and also provides creative inspiration.

Radio Silence

Most runners are familiar with the moments of radio silence in the head. They are often the tastiest moments, but also the shortest moments. It is during that silence in your head that you get Eureka moments. But how do you make sure you don't think about anything?

Read also: 'Losing weight through running:how does it work?'

Mindful running

Mindful running is the answer to that question. Mindful running is a matter of focusing your attention on what you are doing.


Before you start, do a short check of your body during the warm-up. Where are you stiff? Do you feel your body temperature rise? Then, as you run, focus on the muscles in your legs, then your arms swinging back and forth, and then your spine. You extend it, so that your breathing is given space.

Time for the real thing

Then you can move your attention to your breathing. Do a run while counting your breath:three steps in, four out, for example. If you notice that your breathing is 'high', it may help to focus on your feet for a while. Feel how they unroll, or feel twigs under your shoes. With that you bring the attention and breathing downwards.

Shift your attention

After a while you shift your attention:you feel the breeze through your hair, or look at what you see around you.