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6 things you should never do before running

For example, gulping down a huge burger and fries before putting on your running shoes is not a good idea, but you probably already knew that… A false start before running can hinder your results and that is of course a shame. That's why you should never do the following before running, trust us.

1. Static stretching

Warming up your muscles before running is essential. But holding your stretch for 30 seconds to a minute can often do more damage than if you don't warm up. So do not opt ​​for static stretching, but for dynamic stretching with exercises such as lunges and hip circles † These exercises will get more blood flowing through your muscles and warm your joints in alternating motions and directions.

2. Do not eat too much fiber

Fiber helps with hunger pangs and promotes stable blood sugar levels, but they can also cause excessive gas formation. So if you don't want to provide your neighbors behind with a strong wind during your entire running route, it is wise to leave that fiber-rich breakfast. Instead, opt for a carbohydrate-rich snack, such as a cereal bar, oatmeal or a banana, to boost your energy.

3. Showing off too hard in the gym

Training your legs just before a run is often not very useful. By vigorously training your legs with squats , lunges and deadlifts you tire your legs and barely make any progress during your run. So don't do your normal strength training right before running, but alternate your workouts. Would you still like to do both workouts right after each other? Then choose to divide your strength over the training sessions and put more energy into one than the other.

4. Eating too many carbohydrates

As you have already read above, your body relies on carbohydrates as an energy source during your runs. But that doesn't mean you should stuff yourself with pasta before running in the hopes that it will give you better results. Too many carbohydrates can also have a tiring effect on your body. They ensure that your blood sugars fall in the long term, so that your energy level drops again. So rather eat small amounts of carbohydrates, such as a bowl of oatmeal or a banana, before your run. Research shows that eating 40 to 60 grams of carbohydrates 30 to 60 minutes before a workout gives you the best results.

6 things you should never do before running

5. Not warming up your muscles properly

Not everyone has time to devote one to two hours every day to exercising. But your warming- trading up for a longer workout is a major sporting mistake. Dynamically warming up your muscles before exercising can reduce muscle soreness and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, it gives your heart and blood vessels the chance to get used to the intense sports session you are about to do. So always take that extra 5 minutes to warm up your body as best as possible before you start your intense workout. begins.

6. Drinking too much or too little water

If you're feeling a bit dehydrated, try not to drink an entire water bottle before your run. Drinking too much water right before your run can cause a bloating feeling in your stomach and a possible bathroom break. On the other hand, drinking too little water before running is also not good for your body. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue during exercise. So try to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. A good indication of whether you have had enough to drink in a day is the color of your urine:the darker your urine, the more you should drink.

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