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Lose belly:this unsuspected trick to have a flat stomach without moving from your chair

Confinement, excesses, cocooning, nibbling... the fact is clear:little bulges have formed on our stomachs that we could easily do without. The solution ? Pay attention to your diet and exercise daily to put your abs to maximum use!

Flat stomach:here is the formidable technique to build deep muscles and get rid of your little belly

But for those who either lack the time or simply want to, there is a trick to slim down your belly without moving from your chair. It's the simple fact of thinking about pulling in your belly and therefore contracting your abs.

Because by sucking your navel inwards, you will spontaneously contract the transverse muscle, the deepest muscle of the abdomen. It is actually the muscle of the flat stomach and the guarantor of a slim waist! It is important to strengthen the transverse because it ensures the tone of the abdomen “, indeed explained David Costa, sports coach and author of the method Muscular and sexy , in Top Health magazine. Once contracted, the transverse can therefore fulfill its missions of protecting your spine and flattening your viscera.

Flat stomach:make the vacuum technique your own!

As you will have understood, working on your transverse muscle is therefore fundamental, it not only allows you to deflate your belly but also to refine your waist, and reduce back pain since it helps maintain the spine.
So how to work it discreetly and easily while you work seated? By opting for the vacuum technique, the reference exercise for having a flat stomach. This hypopressive abdominal gymnastics technique practiced by yoga enthusiasts makes it possible to strengthen your deep abs.

An exercise that requires no equipment and is practiced in a sitting or standing position. It is therefore a question of soliciting the transverse muscle by contracting your abdominals. The first step is to pull in your belly as much as possible by taking a big suction. Then, exhale as much as possible, trying to bring your belly in even more.You will feel a rather special abdominal contraction. The inhalation period should not exceed 5 seconds, and the exhalation period can last 15 seconds depending on your abilities. For the exercise to be effective, perform at least 4 sets in a row.

When performing this exercise you will use your diaphragm, the deep respiratory muscle. Training your diaphragm also means strengthening your perineum. And if the perineum is engaged in the exercise, it will in turn train the transverse. All these deep muscles act in synergy, and help you regain a nice, slim and toned waist.