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Lose weight:21 things to know to quickly recover a flat stomach

It's not enough to analyze the nutritional information on the back of your food; to avoid storing fat there are some tricks not so complicated to set up toreduce the impact of food on your body.

Prevention rather than cure:do not gain fat by relying on glycemic indices

The Glycemic Index (GI) is measured on a scale that goes from 0 to 100 and ranks different foods according to their power to provide sugar. The higher the GI of a food, the more carbohydrates contained in it are released into the blood. Thesesugars are then stored in fat in our body, are bad for our body and responsible for multiple diseases.

What to eat to keep blood sugar levels balanced?

We tend to ingest a lot more sugar than we think by consuming many high index foods , i.e. greater than 70 . These include, for example, certain cereal-based products such as sandwich bread , cereals breakfast or quick-cooking rice, confectionery or highly processed products.
If nevertheless you cannot do without your bowl of cornflakes in the morning, to counterbalance and create a balance , we advise you to combine high GI foods with the good students in the ranking such as vegetables , sweet potato, legumes and pamplemousse which have a low index, i.e. less than 50 . Do not forget to include eggs, fish and meat to your plates which have little influence on blood sugar because they contain little or no carbohydrates.

But be careful, just because a food has a low or medium glycemic index doesn't mean you should overdo it:Nutella, for example, has a GI of 33 and salted peanuts, which you love as an aperitif, have a glycemic index of 14 and you are not taught anything by telling you that these are not foods to consume in excess and very recommended as part of a healthy diet

Food processing and cooking have their part to play

The glycemic index (GI) of each food differs depending on how you prepare it and combine it with other foods.
Cooking modifies the structure of the food and increases its glycemic index more or less seriously depending on the temperature and cooking time. This is the case, for example, with potatoes which, when steamed, have an average glycemic index of 65, which rises to 95 if prepared in the oven.

It is not for nothing that we advise you to eat a raw carrot to snack on during a diet, this one having a GI of 16 while cooked carrots display a GI of 47.
Overall it is advised to consume food in its most natural state , an apple is then better accepted by the body than an apple juice. Also remember that the more a fruit is ripe, the more its glycemic index increases; however, we do not recommend the green fruit salad, which is not yet ripe...

But then, why have a diet with a low glycemic index?

A high glycemic index is often responsible for diabetes fat and obesity , so opt for a diet rich in fiber prevents blood sugar spikes , reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and act in the right direction on cholesterol.

Foods with a low glycemic index are transformed more slowly, that is to say that they are digested gradually, not all at once, so you can feel full longer; avoid nibbling and thevicious circle sugar that calls for sugar!
The benefits are also found in the quality of your sleep which will then be less agitated and more restorative as well as on your skin which will secrete less sebum and will therefore be healthier.

Find the right glycemic balance has a lot of benefits and it is not so difficult to obtain by making some adjustments in the way you consume!

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