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Intimate hygiene:9 (very) bad habits to abandon forever!

We've had these bad habits for decades. tenacious, often thinking they are doing the right thing, due to lack of information . Yet our private parts must be treated with great care. More than small blunders, these errors can have a very important impact on your health; we help you see things more clearly.

Your morning and evening routine involves taking care of your whole body and therefore involves intimate hygiene . Many of the things we thought we knew and grew up with actually harm our vaginal flora and therefore to our health global.

To avoid infections and other unpleasant intimate hassles, a few tips should put you back on the right track of good hygiene practices everyday.

New gestures for better intimate health

Start by choosing the right intimate hygiene products. to wash the outside of your penis and do not try to clean the inside of your vagina . Perfectly autonomous, it cleans itself naturally thanks to vaginal secretions natural. Also pay attention to the products that you put in contact with your private parts; we avoid washcloths and scented wipes.
Finally, although exercising in the bedroom is a moment of incomparable pleasure, it should not make you forget a few rules to follow after this fabulous moment.

We let you count your mistakes and rectify them today for better personal hygiene.

Also read:

Hygiene:if you do this when you wake up, it's a (very) big mistake!

Responsible beauty:solid hygiene products to take care of the environment (and yourself!)

World Menstrual Hygiene Day:how to choose clean products?