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Intimate hygiene:all these things that you absolutely must not put in your vagina

At the editorial office, while discussing, we realized the absurd advice that we could see blooming on the Web, concerning our precious vagina . “Apparently, yogurt, it would be good for our vagina" . What? No , no and again no. The vagina is an ultra-sensitive organ and very fragile , which should be taken care of. And by taking care, we mean, doing nothing . And above all, do not introduce products, objects or even glitters . Yes, you read that right. And that's not the most surprising thing. Everything is good to make you believe in aberrant tips and tricks, sometimes supported by women's magazines. Enough to make the gynecologists jump who have had to sound the alarm on several occasions.

Aberrant tips to take care of your vagina

So yes. When we are used to taking care of ourselves, the desire to pamper her vagina is watching us. And that's fine. Except that pampering him doesn't mean having to put on deodorant specially designed for him, it's not wanting to put glitter or even soaked tampons on him. of alcohol. Your flora is precious and anything you put in it can potentially damage it. And that would be a shame, wouldn't it? The vagina is very smart and cleans itself, like a big. Thanks to the billions of good bacteria and its lubricating actions . Here is everything that we must NEVER introduce into your vagina or risk seeing the balance of your vaginal flora upset.

PS :We know it. Wanting to respond to the beauty injunctions delivered by society has become commonplace. But girls, don't let anyone tell you that certain smells, shapes or colors of vaginas are abnormal. Odors (if they don't linger and aren't too strong) are normal. We all have different vaginas . As a reminder, the vagina is an organ, it does not have to undergo actions of "glamorification". It belongs to you. When you feel something is wrong, only the gynecologist is able to answer your questions and certainly not the Web and its crap tricks.