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Heartburn:9 natural remedies to effectively fight against acidity!

A third of the French population suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):a burning sensation in the chest, sores and even irritation in the throat, added to an acid taste. Troublemaker, the esophageal sphincter (this muscle between the stomach and the esophagus) which no longer plays its role as a natural anti-reflux "valve"; it is indeed through this that  the gastric juices slip into the esophagus or the throat to cause these unpleasant heartburns.

Heartburn:these foods to avoid!

A painful feeling caused in large part by what we eat. Heartburn whose culprits are called:dishes in sauce, fatty meats, charcuterie, cheeses with mould, spicy dishes, tomatoes, chocolate, alcohol, oleaginous fruits (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.), juice sour fruits, tea, coffee to name a few . Because the list is long of foods that are too acidic, too rich, too sweet, which once in the stomach become acid bombs.

Why do I have so much heartburn during my pregnancy?

It's all about hormones! Progesterone and relaxin, to name them, are produced in large quantities during pregnancy. Hormones that are used in particular to “relax” certain muscles, ligaments and other organs in preparation for the next childbirth. Problem:they also have an action on the sphincter located between the esophagus and the stomach and therefore on its relaxation. In addition, the growing baby puts more and more pressure on the stomach. All of this can cause stomach fluids to flow up into the esophagus, causing heartburn and gastric reflux.

Of course, if you suffer from inflammation of the stomach or untimely gastroesophageal reflux, you will have to consult your doctor.