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How to fight against cold feet?

"Ahh, don't touch me with your feet. You probably know this little sentence from Jules who dreads your icy feet on his calves each time... Because if he is your hot water bottle, it's not exactly reciprocal... But why, when the temperature is good and we're under a duvet, are our feet so cold?

There are several explanations. 1 / circulation problems, the blood circulates badly in our legs to our feet, 2 / diabetes:the excess of sugar in the blood damages the blood vessels, which has the effect of slowing down circulation, 3 / damaged foot nerves, which no longer send signals to the brain to maintain good blood supply, 4 / Raynaud's phenomenon:there are too many blood vessels, which prevents proper irrigation of the toes.

The solutions

To warm our feet, we must start by improving the blood circulation in the area by circulating the blood. For that, we take our feet in our hands and massage them. We do it every night in order to establish better daily circulation, and using oil before finishing by putting on our socks.

We just buy big warm socks, like the special anti-cold foot thermosoft socks from Kindy. You can sleep with them because they are not compressing, so the blood circulates to the feet.

In general, it is also important to walk and play sports, as this irrigates the legs. We also adopt hydrotherapy:a good hot / cold foot bath. Because immersing your feet in a basin of hot water dilates our blood vessels. The technique:fill two basins, one with cold water, the other with hot water. We first immerse the feet in cold water for 2 minutes, then 1 minute in hot water. We start again at least 5 times because it is the alternation that promotes circulation!

Finally, nothing like a good old hot water bottle... Or even a long-lasting electric hot water bottle...! (we are high-tech where we are not).

> Read also:4 tips to (finally) have pretty feet