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How to avoid getting ripped off?

To say that we "caught cold" is a mistake.

The temperature has nothing to do with our runny nose. If you catch a cold, it is because of one of the 200 viruses responsible for the infection (family of rhinoviruses, or coronaviruses), which swarm in the ambient air. We can therefore stay bare-armed by 10°, even in the rain, if there is no virus, we do not get sick.

So why in winter?

Because the cold plays a role, indirectly. First, dry air makes the mucous membrane of the nose more fragile and more vulnerable to microbes… With the cold, we also tend to seek warmth by taking refuge in closed and overcrowded places (shopping malls, cafes). And instead of walking, we cowardly take public transport. This promiscuity increases the risk of catching a cold by breathing in the viruses that are in the air or by touching an object contaminated by others. So we avoid the crowds and apply basic hygiene measures, such as washing our hands after blowing our nose.

Discover our 8 tips to prevent colds:

1/ Cover up but not too much

2/ Have a healthy lifestyle

3/ Wash your hands regularly

4/ Stop smoking

5/ Get zen

6/ Avoid bringing your hands to your face too much

7/ If you cough, you get cured quickly

8/ Stay at home