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Twin-C, the sensor to fight against environmental stress

In the era of connected objects, we no longer count the number of connected bracelets and watches of all kinds, which count our steps, evaluate our energy expenditure, calculate our heart rate, etc. Recently arrived on the market, the Twin-C connected jewel from the IEVA brand is totally different from the others, because its ambition is not to provide fitness information, but more to establish a diagnosis of the world around us (it can besides to wear as a watch or as a jewel attached to the bag). Temperature, humidity, level of pollution, noise or sunshine… it is equipped with various sensors that assess environmental stress in real time. It is this same stress that aggravates skin and hair aging. The role of the Twin-C is therefore to better understand the world around us and its impact on health in order to adapt our skincare routines and our diet.

Simple operation

Unlike fitness wristbands, the Twin-C does not require adjustments to operate. It communicates with our phone via Bluetooth and delivers the data using the (free) IEVA app. The home screen gives us the level of pollution (level of CO² and volatile particles), the humidity level, the temperature, the brightness and the ambient noise. Next to certain numbers, a colored dot (green, orange or red) tells us if the level indicated is considered good. And if you click on each piece of data, legends allow you to interpret it and/or give advice on how to improve the situation (for example, a reminder that it is important to ventilate indoor air to reduce the level of pollution! ). This data is therefore not personal, but reflects the environment around us, at a given moment (meaning that if we are with someone who also has a Twin-C, it will give them the same numbers).

Beauty and well-being advice

In addition to this environmental stress data, the app also offers other more beauty-focused tabs. Thus, “My Journal” presents a feed similar to that of other social networks, with images, articles on beauty and nutrition, recipes, an update on the weather, etc. "Mon Rituel" is dedicated to our skincare routine:IEVA is a brand founded by Jean-Michel Karam, who is none other than the founder of IOMA, so it's no surprise that skincare is firmly anchored in IEVA's DNA. We enter a lot of information (type of skin, hair, phototype and concerns) and the app gives us advice on the right gestures and the recommended products (from the IOMA brand, but we can obviously do with ours ). The “Articles” tab offers many articles on the subjects of beauty, well-being, nutrition, health and the environment. Finally, the "Shop" tab allows you to buy treatments and accessories for the jewel.

Clearly, Twin-C is the essential tool for those who want to limit the impact of environmental stress on the skin and hair. The Twin-C Woman version is available from €268 (“watch” element at €199, bracelet from €69), while a To Go version (to be attached to the bag and/or placed on the table ) is €149. Scarf-type accessories allow you to personalize the watch (from €69). Quite a hefty price tag, sure, but it's a tool that promises to be really useful in a world of ever-increasing environmental stress...