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Creepy:adolescent blood would be an excellent remedy for the ills of old age

Did vampires have flair long before us? If it seems that we are not yet able to become immortal by sucking the blood of others, a recent discovery is nonetheless astounding. According to a study conducted by the Alkahest laboratory, which specializes in therapies that slow down cellular and neurological aging, the blood of adolescents has rejuvenating properties! And the key to the mystery seems to be in the blood plasma. The researchers had already noticed that injecting blood from young mice into older mice helped to rejuvenate the organs of the latter, such as the liver, the heart but also the muscles, as recalled by the site New Scientist . What about human blood, then? To find out, scientist Sakura Minami and her colleagues similarly injected the blood of 18-year-old teenagers into one-year-old mice (the equivalent of 50 years in humans). At this age, rodents begin to show signs of aging:they move more slowly and their memory declines.

The appearance of new neurons

For three weeks, the mice were dosed with human plasma twice a day. At the end of the experiment, the results were incredible:the treated mice were agitated and had regained the same enthusiasm as the 3-month-old mice. They also managed to find their way around a maze better. At the origin of this renewed vitality, neurogenesis:new neurons were created in the brains of treated mice. Sakura Minami explained that she had found the factors present in human blood that allow this progress, but she does not intend to reveal them for the moment. All she hopes is that this discovery will lead to the development of a treatment for aging.

Alkahest has currently started an experiment involving the blood of young people and people with Alzheimer's disease.
