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Lose weight:12 commandments to follow to really succeed in losing weight!

Many have gained weight during this pandemic year and these successive confinements. All those activities that allowed us to burn calories and maintain healthy levels of fat and muscle mass, have been replaced by too long hours on the couch fighting (or not) the temptation to snack. Results ! Getting on the scale has become an anguish. To limit the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle and its corollary, weight gain, changing your lifestyle is essential. A personal revolution that does not necessarily go through the "Diet" box, far from it. Because before considering losing weight by tightening your belt, there is a plethora of things to do to stop weight gain and activate the reverse process. How? 'Or' What ? By adopting these 12 habits similar to 12 commandments that will boost your metabolism and thus facilitate your weight loss; discover them in our slideshow.

Weight loss:why is metabolism important?

First of all, this reminder, metabolism is all of the body's processes for converting what we eat and drink into energy; the body then combines calories and oxygen to supply energy to the muscles, to the brain or to the organs. A metabolism which is therefore at the origin of weight loss. It is indeed he who will determine the amount of fat that will be stored and the amount that you can lose with the slightest effort.
So the higher our metabolism, the more energy we burn and therefore the more we burn our fat reserves. To boost it, there are very concrete solutions:
– have quality sleep:which is essential for regenerating your energy and your nervous reserves.

– move as often as possible:what will count is regularity and frequency , the goal being to use your muscles throughout the week to keep your metabolism at a high level.
– stop restrictive diets:during a diet, the body no longer receives enough calories and willdecrease the level of metabolism.
– reduce sugars:carbohydrates and sugars promote a slower metabolism and therefore contribute to weight gain via fat mass. Reducing their intake would therefore slightly speed up your metabolism.