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Losing weight through running:how does it work?

You can run anytime and anywhere, it gives you a cheerful mood, it is nice and low budget and it helps you to get fitter. But what about weight loss and running?

How does that work exactly:losing weight through running?

If you exercise more, your muscle mass will increase. This increases your energy consumption, even at rest. Your muscles contain mitochondria, the so-called energy factories. They can use carbohydrates (sugars) or fats. The more trained you are, the more your body can use fat as an energy source.

But to actually lose a significant amount of fat with running, you will have to run at least 60 kilometers per week on average, according to research. Of course, those kinds of distances are not for everyone. However, it is certainly not impossible to lose some winter kilos by running. It is mainly a matter of timing well, watching your diet and varying the type of running training.

Read also: Do I need extra protein after my workout?

Adjust your diet as well

Adjusting your eating regime is therefore useful if you also want to lose weight. After all, you only lose weight if you use more energy than you take in. Your body will then use your fat stores to get energy. This fat is burned and you lose weight. But real dieting is not necessary. In fact, a crash diet is counterproductive. You will lose weight, but due to the large energy deficit, your body also burns muscles. Less muscle mass means a lower resting metabolism. As a result, you use less energy in the long run and - if you start eating more after your diet - you will gain weight again quickly.

Choose the right foods

It is important to get the right foods. Put a lot of protein, carbohydrates and fiber on the menu. Sufficient protein is needed for muscle recovery, carbohydrates are the fuel and fiber ensures that you are satiated for longer and that you are less likely to sniff. For example, think of yogurt with oatmeal, a whole-wheat sandwich with chicken breast or peanut butter, or brown rice with a piece of chicken or fish.

Make sure you get enough nutrients and calories on the days you go for a run

In addition, timing is essential:when do I eat, when do I not eat and what do I put in my mouth. Sounds simple and in principle it is. But it requires discipline and tight planning. On days when you don't train, try to eat less calories. When you put on your running shoes, it is important to eat enough – both before and after exercise. Then your muscles will have enough fuel to get started and to recover afterwards.

Make sure you eat enough

It is very important that you eat enough before exercising. Even (and perhaps especially) if you also want to lose a few kilos. Running and losing weight? Don't fall for these 3 pitfalls

Santé April 2016, text:Babette Dessing