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I want to become an organ donor, how does it work?

This is not a topic that is easily discussed. For various reasons, it is still taboo. Becoming a donor can change your life. That of others. Those to whom we will donate an organ after our death. This civic act saves thousands of lives every year. Do we want to say yes to organ donation and allow transplants? If you want to become a donor, you can start by telling those around you. But carrying around (in our wallet, for example) a donor card is even better. Informing our loved ones of our desire to become a donor will protect them. This will save them a discussion around this subject with the doctors, in an already painful moment. If you are sure of the gesture you want to make, all you have to do is fill out a form on the FRANCE ADOT website (Federation of Associations for the Donation of Organs and Human Tissues). If you are not sure yet, this site answers all your questions. If after reflection, we change our minds and we finally do not want to become a donor (and we are really sure of it), we can then register on the National Register of Refusals and thus express our desire not to become a donor. . The first thing doctors will do after death is to consult this register. This will avoid, again, a painful discussion with our loved ones because the will of the deceased takes precedence over the others. For information, know that everyone can be a donor. There is no minimum or maximum age and no special conditions regarding the state of health. The removal of the desired organ will take place (or not) on the day of death if its physiological condition allows it. It's up to us to think about whether we want to be a donor.