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Magnesium cure:15 foods to eat to fight fatigue and insomnia

This pandemic period is putting our nerves to the test! From a nutritional point of view, there are not twenty thousand solutions, we focus on magnesium. Why ? Because this little genius reduces oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and blood pressure. It also helps boost our immune system and helps us fall asleep! The recommended daily dose? 375mg!

How to recognize the signs of a magnesium deficiency?

The most frequent signs, we all know them at different times of the year:nervous and physical fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, cramps, twitching of the eyelids, feeling of oppression, loss of memory, tingling, anxiety, anguish, back pain with neck pain and lumbago, palpitations, constipation…

What is magnesium used for in our body?

Magnesium plays an important role in the nervous system by actively participating in the transmission of nerve impulses, and by modulating reactivity to stress, making it possible to fight against it. In addition, it is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth, and contributes to the fixation of calcium on the bones. It also plays a role in energy production, by intervening in glucose metabolism , as well as in the synthesis of proteins and lipids.

But its role does not end there! Magnesium is also essential for muscle contraction and for maintaining heart rate. It also plays an indirect role as an antioxidant, notably by participating in the synthesis of glutathione (the most powerful antioxidant in the human body). Finally, it stimulates the immune system, and plays an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory role. Finally, it participates in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body.

Where to find magnesium?

Two ways to get your dose:we integrate foods rich in magnesium (almonds, Brazil nuts, cocoa, spirulina, fruits and vegetables, buckwheat, certain waters such as Hépar, Courmayeur, Contrex, etc.) and we take a dietary supplement cure . Our favourite:Formag de Pileje, in pharmacies, at the rate of 2 to three tablets a day during meals (for better bio-assimilation). From the first take, you can see the difference...Come on, let's go for the cure!