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Swollen feet:9 natural tips to relieve them during hot weather

Summer sets in, temperatures rise and with them come small inconveniences that we would do well without, such as swollen legs or feet . In general, when the lower limbs double in size, it is a sign of a water retention problem, venous insufficiency, a diet too rich in salt or shoes that are too tight. The causes are multiple. With heat, blood vessels tend to dilate, making it more difficult for blood to circulate. As a result, water remains blocked in the cells and causes the tissues to swell. In some cases, a sensation of heaviness in the limbs and excessive sweating of the feet can also be felt.

In case of suspicious swelling or too intense pain, consult a doctor to rule out all risks.

How to quickly relieve swollen feet?

To make the pain less painful and deflate your feet quickly, there are several grandmother's natural solutions . The first simple trick, once you are at home or at work, is to elevate your legs leaning on a chair for example. This position will help blood circulate better. In this idea, during hot weather avoid clothes and shoes that are too tight which compress. Because they promote the dilution of blood vessels.
After a long day, you can also pass your feet under a jet of fairly powerful cold water . At this temperature, dilated vessels will be toned and blood circulation will be stimulated. Finally, self-massage is a very good remedy when you tend to swell your feet. For this, use essential oils such as cypress oil known for its decongestant action or peppermint oil to refresh your limbs. The cider vinegar as a poultice is also very effective!

Discover all our tips for soothing swollen feet in our slideshow.

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