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5 tips to relieve mosquito bites

Summer is coming soon (ouiiii!). And who says summer, says mosquitoes (nooo!). We all know someone who is a mosquito magnet (maybe it's us...) and who is definitely bitten by these little insects despite being very vigilant (like putting on pants to eat on the balcony in the evening, using a mosquito repellent, brush with citronella, etc.). But once you're bitten, the damage is done, and you can't stop yourself from scratching. You should know that if a bite scratches us it is because when the mosquito bites us (or the mosquito in fact, because it is the females who do it), it injects its saliva and to protect itself our body goes on alert and we have this irresistible urge to scratch ourselves (even though we know very well that it is bad). So to avoid turning a small bite into a big scab, here are 5 tips to avoid or limit itching.

Fresh food

To cut off the urge to scratch, you can apply fresh foods to the bite that will soothe the itch. For example, you can put ice cubes in a glove on the bite or even slices of cucumbers or potatoes (we do not eat them afterwards…). Let it be said, the soothing effect is only obtained when the food is very fresh.

Heat sources

Conversely, heat also has an anti-itching effect on mosquito bites. Just put a glove or a compress soaked in hot water or a hot tea bag on the bitten area (after use). However, be careful not to burn yourself!

Anti-itch roll-ons

Soothing mosquito repellent roll-ons are very effective. Sold in drugstores and supermarkets (we think of those from Parakito or Puressentiel in bulk), they are mostly composed of several essential oils that will neutralize the "itching" effect of the bite. The roll-on format is practical since it allows you to apply it quickly at any time of the day (if you have a sudden urge to scratch).

Lavender essential oil

To stay in the field of essential oils, you can also apply one to two drops of essential oil with soothing properties directly to the bite. Lavender is recommended against mosquito bites, because in addition to the soothing effect, it also has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Be careful though, pregnant women cannot use it and for children you must first dilute the essential oil in vegetable oil.

The mosquito-click

This small device uses electricity to neutralize the itching sensation. Just place it on the sting, press the button and it will send small electrical stimuli (we promise, we don't feel much!) that will neutralize (or at least make less urgent) the "scratching" message. for the brain. However, this device is not recommended for pregnant women and young children.

We still wish courage to the mosquito magnets (we know a few…)!