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Lose weight:12 very effective tips to stop snacking and stop taking calories stupidly!

At the office as in teleworking, cravings are felt. Every day, at 10:30 a.m. and at 4 p.m., you wouldn't say no to a little chocolate, a cake or even sweets. However, if we like their tastes, they don't really like us, since they tend to add weight on the scale. So if from time to time, we get caught up in our coffee break, we try to avoid snacking untimely during the day. For this, some tips seem very useful to us!

Why am I always hungry between meals?

Before trying to stop snacking, we try to understand why we can not help eating between meals . Here, many reasons can come into play. First of all, hunger:if you eat little for breakfast or lunch, this may explain why you want to snack all day . Similarly, hypoglycemia. Foods rich in fast sugars are assimilated very quickly by the body. This then secretes insulin, which lowers the level of sugar in the blood, reactive hypoglycemia manifests itself and with it, hunger. Then, food cravings can be due to stress or boredom, food comforts us! But don't worry, these tips can (maybe) help you.

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