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Nail fungus:15 very effective tips to get rid of it

Nail fungus , also called onychomycosis , are common and affect more people than you might think. In France, nearly 10% of the population is affected by this disease, especially people in regular contact with water or humidity . These infections are caused by certain fungi microscopic , such as dermatophytes or Candida, which attack the skin, mucous membranes and develop under the fingernails or toenails . As a result, the nail becomes fragile, discolors, yellows or whitens and becomes thicker. Pain and irritation may even be felt.

How do you get nail fungus?

The causes of onychomycosis are diverse. Usually it's heat and humidity , due in particular to perspiration , which favor the proliferation of infections. Toenail fungus are caught in places where you walk barefoot:swimming pools, saunas, gyms… But also in shoes that are too tight or wet socks. These places are often infested with bacteria and fungi. As for fingernail fungus, rarer , they develop in contact with humidity, if you often wear gloves or if you wash your hands too frequently. Health professionals, cooks or bakers are the first to be exposed to these risks.

How to quickly treat nail fungus?

If left untreated, nail fungus can spread on all the toes or on other areas of the body, such as skin folds, fingers, the space between the breasts... So, at the first signs of a damaged and infected nail , it is important to treat it quickly. For this, we can trust some natural remedies such as essential oils . Those of tea tree, lavender or thyme have very effective antibacterial and antifungal properties to treat nail fungus. The lemon also is ideal for stopping the proliferation of fungi. Finally, nothing like a foot or hand bath made with baking soda to dry out excess moisture and clean the nail. For an alternative, turn to cider vinegar or white vinegar which is an effective antiseptic.

If nail fungus persists, do not hesitate to consult a professional, your doctor, a dermatologist or a podiatrist-podiatrist.

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