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To be happy, it is better to buy time than material goods

The University of British Columbia in Canada and Harvard Business School conducted a survey of 6,000 people from North America and Europe to find out which way of using our money makes us happiest. And it seems that the thing that brings us the most happiness is… time! To carry out the experiment, the scientists gave the same amount of money to the participants. The first week, they required them to spend it on material goods, while for the second, it was necessary to invest in time-saving services. Verdict? The guinea pigs felt greater well-being in the second week, when they had gained time. Buying yourself time, the solution to be happier?!

Doing everything to save time is unnatural

The constant feeling of not having enough time is a source of stress, anxiety and also insomnia. We thus have the impression of running everywhere and always having too many things to do. Another surprising result of the experiment:while we complain about not having time, we all tend to seek happiness in material possessions. In the experiment, when people were free to spend the money as they wished, only 2% of them paid for services, the remaining 98% preferring to afford material goods... We are visibly full of contradictions! So to free ourselves from all this stress and its harmful effects, the researchers recommend not to fall for new clothes or yet another pair of shoes, which will certainly bring us happiness on the spot, but less than a meal delivered to us. home if the kitchen exasperates us, a babysitter to be able to go to the sport quietly, or a cleaning lady if we hate vacuuming or ironing!

It is said that money does not buy happiness, well, it seems that it participates... provided you use it well!