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Did you know ? :champagne makes you drunk faster than other alcohols

It is scientifically proven:drinking alcoholic drinks with bubbles would get drunk faster than after consuming “flat” drinks with the same volume of alcohol. This scientific study dates back to 2001, but we thought it best to share it with you given the current craze for all sparkling drinks (right, prosecco lovers?).

Dr. Fran Ridout and his researchers conducted this experiment 19 years ago in their laboratory at the University of Surrey, England. They invited 12 participants, as one would invite friends to a party. Each guest had to drink exactly two glasses of champagne. They also made sure that all participants had exactly the same amount of alcohol to ingest. This was thus adjusted to their body mass so that the result of the study was accurate and not distorted. Only here, the champagne which was given to half of the participants was rid of its bubbles using a whisk. The others drank the champagne normally, while the results were watched carefully.

The bubbles would accelerate emptying from the stomach to the intestine

A week later, the same experiment was carried out, but the groups were reversed, in order to be able to confirm the emerging trend. And the blood alcohol level was indeed higher in those who had drunk the champagne with all its bubbles than in the others. After five minutes, drinkers of the sparkling champagne had an average of 0.54 milligrams of alcohol per milliliter of blood, while those who drank the "flat" alcohol had an average of only 0.39 milligrams of alcohol per milliliter of blood. At the end of the 40 minutes that the experiment lasted, the trend was still the same.

This phenomenon would be due to the fact that the bubbles of sparkling alcoholic beverages would help transport the alcohol more quickly in the blood. Indeed, the emptying of the stomach towards the intestine would be accelerated, and it is at the level of the small intestine that the passage of nutrients towards the blood (and alcohol here, in this case) takes place. . However, the physico-chemical mechanism that causes this acceleration is still unknown. But a piece of advice, if it's sparkling, you need all the more moderation!