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Did you know ? :sitting too long makes us age faster

As we know, to be in good health, it is recommended to take 10,000 steps a day; except that currently the world is confined due to the coronavirus pandemic and that apart from being very nervous, it will be difficult for you to carry out in one day at home these 7.5 km of daily walk. No, here we are, until the end of April, condemned to immobile life. But no fatality, so get moving, play sports at home to get out of this collective ordeal with a stronger mind and a body ready to devour the summer. No, you prefer to stay on the quiet couch? It's human...but it's not good for you. Not good at all.

Now the science is talking. In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology , researchers at the University of California found that women who sit for more than 10 hours a day age faster; a sedentary lifestyle kills.

A study of nearly 1,500 women aged 65 to 95

To come to this conclusion, these scientists conducted research on nearly 1,500 women between the ages of 65 and 95. The participants completed questionnaires and wore an accelerometer for seven days, so that their movements were recorded. The researchers then made this discovery:those who did less than 40 minutes of physical activity a day, and who remained sedentary for more than 10 hours had telomeres - the region of DNA that is located at the end of the chromosomes and which is a marker of biological age – shorter. Result:the cells of sedentary women are biologically eight years older than those of active women!

So a question now arises:do you want to age faster than expected? No. So get moving.