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5 tips for getting up when you're not in the morning

When it comes to getting up early or going to bed late, we are not all equal, thank you genetics. Except that here, you have to get up to go to work, even if you are not in the morning. Here are 5 reflexes to put in place so that the ordeal is a little less painful...

1/ Think about your sleep cycles over 90 minutes

Naturally, sleep cycles are around 90 minutes. The idea, to sleep well and wake up well, is to wake up at the end of a cycle. Thus, when the alarm clock rings, we are not in a deep sleep, so we can get up more easily. Concretely, this means that if you have trouble getting up in the morning, it is better to plan a night of seven and a half hours than one of eight hours. So, we program the alarm clock accordingly...

2/ Move the alarm clock to the bedroom

We've all done it:turn off the alarm clock by reaching out, eyes closed, and lying in bed. Very bad idea! Well yes, we risk going back to sleep right away, as if nothing had happened. Better to put the alarm clock out of reach, just to have to get up to turn it off.

3/ Drink water as soon as you wake up

Since the time we tell you that water is good for the body... Drinking as soon as you wake up is good for your health (because it allows you not to wait to be thirsty to drink) but above all, hydrate yourself as soon as you wake up. alarm clock gives the energy needed to get out of bed. And then the action of drinking helps to wake up, especially if the water is cold.

4/ Find the light

Daylight is the best natural remedy against the irrepressible urge to go back under the sheets and especially not to get up. If natural light allows it, it is good to stay near the window for a few minutes as soon as you wake up. You can also stay near a light therapy lamp.

5/ Bet on a lukewarm shower

To activate the blood circulation, we forget the super hot shower and we rather put on a lukewarm shower. And we don't hesitate to start the day with music that we like:the goal is to start the day in good spirits, just to make it more fun. Come on, we're swaying on Drake in the shower (and we're careful not to slip)!